“Whatever mistakes you make, I have made. Whatever obstacles you have come up against, I have had to get over.”

James Harwood
Founder of The Forex CLINIc

My trading career started in 2014 following twenty plus years working within the property investment industry. I was introduced to spread betting and spent the next 6 months steadily losing money.

I decided it was make or break, either I learned how to trade properly or I gave up. Giving up is not in my nature and I firmly believed I could get to grips with trading if I received some direction. I signed up with a large international education academy with the expectation that having completed the course I would then be in a position to make an income from trading. That did not happen. Instead I had a small insight into how the market worked but if I wanted to earn a living from this beast I would need to put in the hours. What followed was years of screen time, highs and lows, falling down and getting back up again. What didn’t happen was defeat, I never questioned that it would work, the only question was when?

It’s now 2024 and I am in a position where I can log into my trading account, see an opportunity, take the trade and earn money, or know to wait.

Whatever mistakes you make, I have made, whatever obstacles you have come up against, I have had to get over.

During my years of trading I have noticed there is a void between the initial trading education and success. This is where I sit, offering help and advice to those who have learnt the basics of trading but need help achieving success.

Change starts with a single step

Stop trading BACKWARDS and contact us today to take the first steps BACK TO SUCCESS

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